Constituency: Belfast East

Electorate Seats Total Poll Turnout Valid Poll Spoiled Votes
63,495 1 42,994 67.71% 42,890 104

Vote Distribution

Count 1

Left Right

Count Results


Gavin Robinson Gavin Robinson
* (DUP)


Naomi Long Naomi Long


Hazel Legge Hazel Legge


Mairead O'Donnell Mairead O'Donnell


Georgina Milne Georgina Milne


Sheila Bodel Sheila Bodel


Seamas de Faoite Seamas de Faoite


Bobby Beck Bobby Beck


On the Ballot

Bobby Beck

Bobby Beck


Sheila Bodel

Sheila Bodel


Sheila Bodel is an Employment Support Officer. She has worked in a variety of roles within education and training for over eight years. She is also studying an MA in International Business with Ulster University and plays an active role in her church.

Seamas de Faoite

Seamas de Faoite

Social Democratic and Labour Party

Seamas De Faoite has been active in party politics since the age of 14. He chairs the Belfast youth wing of the SDLP and travelled to the US to campaign for Hillary Clinton in the final days of her push for the White House last year.

Hazel Legge

Hazel Legge

Ulster Unionist Party

Hazel Legge is a UUP Councillor for Lisburn & Castlereagh Council, representing Castlereagh East.

Naomi Long

Naomi Long

Alliance Party

Naomi Long is fighting to retake the Westminster seat she lost to the DUP's Gavin Robinson in one of the key battlegrounds in the June 8 poll. The Alliance leader served as MP for the constituency from 2010-2015. She returned to Stormont in 2016 and topped the poll in the snap assembly election earlier this year. She is also a former Lord Mayor of Belfast.

Georgina Milne

Georgina Milne

Green Party

Georgina Milne is a research statistician with a PhD in the impact of long-term climate change and an East Belfast Green Party Councillor, representing Ormiston.

Mairead O'Donnell

Mairead O'Donnell

Sinn Fein

Mairead O'Donnell is a 53-year-old mother of five from the Short Strand. She is a Sinn Fein councillor on Belfast City Council. She was co-opted onto Belfast City Council in June 2016 replacing Niall O Donnghaile.

Gavin Robinson

Gavin Robinson (Outgoing)

Democratic Unionist Party

Gavin Robinson was elected as the MP for East Belfast in 2015, retaking the seat the DUP had lost to Naomi Long in 2010. A former member of Belfast City Council, he served as the Lord Mayor of Belfast in 2012-2013 during the flag protests in the city. He is the party's spokesman on Justice, Home Affairs and Human Rights.

  • Awaiting Results
  • Democratic Unionist Party
  • Sinn Fein
  • Independent

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