Constituency: Mid Ulster

On the Ballot

Neidin Hendron

Neidin Hendron

Alliance Party

19 year old Neidin Hendron is studying English and anthropology at Queen's and is secretary/treasurer for Alliance Youth. She has campaigned for 16 year olds to have the vote.

Keith Buchanan

Keith Buchanan

Democratic Unionist Party

Keith Buchanan has been involved in youth, sporting and community groups for many years. He works for a major food processing company in the Dungannon area where he manages the maintenance department. Mr Buchanan is also involved with the Loyal Orders. Mr Buchanan is a brother of Mid Ulster councillor Wilbert Buchanan and contested the last council election in the Torrent area.

Ian McCrea

Ian McCrea

Democratic Unionist Party

Ian McCrea was first elected to Cookstown District Council in 2001, serving as chairman and vice-chairman. He was also chairman of Cookstown District Policing Partnership. Mr McCrea, the son of MP William McCrea, was elected to the Assembly in 2007 and has been a member of the Environment and Finance Committees. He was appointed as Assembly Private Secretary for the Department of Enterprise in September 2014.

Stefan Taylor

Stefan Taylor

Green Party

A long-time supporter of the Green Party, Stefan Taylor recently moved with his family to his wife’s hometown in Mid Ulster. He is campaigning for integrated secular education, investment in renewable energy and womens' rights.

Patsy McGlone

Patsy McGlone

Social Democratic and Labour Party

Former SDLP deputy leader Pasty McGlone has been MLA for Mid Ulster since 2003. He was chair of the Enterprise Committee and a member of the Justice Committee in the last mandate and has previously chaired the Environment Committee. Mr McGlone was general secretary of the SDLP from 1986-91 and also served two terms as chair of Cookstown District Council. He is the party's economy spokesperson and he has served on a number of public bodies, including Foras na Gaeilge, Northern Ireland Housing Executive and the NI Housing Council.

Linda Dillon

Linda Dillon

Sinn Fein

Linda Dillon is a Sinn Fein councillor for Torrent elected in 2014 to the new Mid Ulster Council and was its first chairperson. Originally from South Armagh, she moved to Coalisland 10 years ago and works in the Sinn Fein Advice centre there. Ms Dillon has been involved in republican politics for over 20 years and is currently vice chair of Cuige Uladh.

Ian Milne

Ian Milne

Sinn Fein

Ian Milne from Bellaghy was co-opted to the Assembly to replace Francie Molloy in April 2013 and has sat on the Agriculture and Environment Committees. He was elected to his local council in 2005 and served two terms as chair. Mr Milne was released from prison in 1991 and has been involved in community work with Bellaghy Community Group. He is a fluent Irish speaker and a member of Wolfe Tone GAC.

Michelle O'Neill

Michelle O'Neill

Sinn Fein

Agriculture Minister Michelle O'Neill was elected to the Assembly in 2007, sitting on the education committee and serving as Sinn Fein’s health spokesperson. A qualified welfare rights advisor, Ms O'Neill has worked in the Assembly since 1998, initially as political advisor to Francie Molloy, before being elected to Dungannon and South Tyrone Borough Council in 2005 where she became the first woman to hold the position of mayor.

Hannah Loughrin

Hannah Loughrin

Traditional Unionist Voice

Hannah Loughrin has lived all her life in the Orritor area of Cookstown. A public relations graduate, she works as airline cabin crew. Ms Loughrin is an associate in the Girls' Brigade and has a keen interest in marching bands and the Northern Ireland football team.

Alan Day

Alan Day

UK Independence Party

Born in Germany and brought up in Scotland and Northern Ireland, Alan Day is a self-employed IT technician who describes himself as a Christian, Orangeman and Unionist. He is also a blogger.

Sandra Overend

Sandra Overend

Ulster Unionist Party

Sandra Overend was elected to Stormont in 2011 and served as Assembly Private Secretary for the Department of Regional Development and deputy chair of the Education Committee. She previously worked as an accountant and was office manager for her father, the former MLA Billy Armstrong. Ms Overend, a mother of three who lives near Bellaghy, is the women's development officer of the UUP. She contested the Westminster election in 2010 and in 2015.

Hugh Scullion

Hugh Scullion

The Workers Party

Chairperson of the Mid-Ulster Workers Party, Hugh Scullion is a registered mental health nurse and works as a cognitive behaviour psychotherapist specialising in severe mental illness. He is a member of UNISON, the Mid-Ulster Trades Union Council and is chair of the local community theatre group. Mr Scullion was a member of the Civil Rights Association and was arrested at the introduction of internment in August 1971.

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